I Missed Receiving My Award At C-Suite Celebrates On Friday 6/21/24

 Hi, It's Aaron Avila CEO of Stroke TV Media. I am a very honored to be a member of Jeffrey Hayzlett's C-Suite Network.

All of us C-Suite Executives get together every Friday at 2 PM PST or 5 EST to connect and share our business wins and help each with our business challenges.

However last Friday was our 200th Celebrates!

They were handling out Awards and because I had to leave early, I missed receiving my award personally. Thanks to my business associate John Kennedy, Founder of the Kennedy Method, just informed me, I won the award below.

Thank you Jeffrey Hayzlett, Tricia Benn and all the amazing 
I accept this award with honor.

Aaron Avila 
Stroke TV ​Media


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