Stroke TV Media Stroke Survivor Sunday Spiritual Story

Hi, It Aaron Avila, CEO/Founder of Stroke TV Media.

I share Stroke TV Media Stroke Survivor Sunday Spiritual Video (today is me sharing my story) to hopefully speak spiritual encouragement to you.

For me, my brain aneurysm and stroke brought about a near death experience that was more life changing than my brain aneurysm and stroke.

I'm 100% sure there is a truth about life. I know for a fact that, all humans on the face of the earth are eternal spiritual beings learning to live in a human body.

You are not your body. You are the spiritual energy living inside your human body.

I know, because I left this body and was caught up to heaven where ever that is I do not not know. There I stood before a white haired, white bearded older man, who gave me the choice of taking a white gown of death or return to my beautiful wife Rebecca and my amazing son Ryan.

However God warned me several times saying, take the white gown, it will be easier for you. God was insinuating that living life as a stroke survivor would be extremely difficult.

Let me tell you, I know nothing more difficult in life, than living as a stroke survivor.

Given how extremely difficult stroke life is, you may wonder if I regret not taking the white gown?

My decision to be with my beautiful and amazing wife Rebecca, was the absolute best decision I have ever made! I love and appreciate Rebecca to my very core as a man.

You can read my entire near death experience here.

Please, take a moment to say a prayer for strength to endure for all stroke survivors around the world.

Email me here if you have any questions.

Love energy your way, Aaron Avila.


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