God Himself Bridged The Gap

It is Aaron Avila, CEO of Stroke TV Media. 

I know this song is considered an Easter Song, but for me, it is a song that applies to all mankind year round. This song touches my spirit so deeply, that when I listen to it tears of deep gratefulness and worship fill my heart.

This song has such a powerful spiritual energy, I can't put the energy I feel inside into words.

You see mankind, God so loves you, God sent his only son to die on the cross in our place. You see, sin separated us from our creator God, so God himself bridged this gap that separated us from a relationship with our creator by sending his only begotten son to die and shed his blood in our place.

All I ask you today is, if you don't know God or don't believe in God, today I ask you would ask God to reveal himself to you. I know God will reveal himself to you if you ask him from a true and authentic heart.

Email me if you have any comments or questions at aaroavila.stroketv@gmail.com

(AN EASTER HALLELUJAH [Composed by Leonard Cohen, Lyrics by Kelley Mooney]


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