Proof A Stroke Survivor Can Dream, So Here's One Of Mine



It's Aaron Avila, CEO of Stroke TV Media. Yes, I am aware  my dream is big but I role (wheelchair humor indented) with some of the most successful, globally influential and forward thought leaders in Jeff Hayzlett's C-Suite Network and a few more like Ed Mylett, Grant Cardon and Steve Harvey. They all tell me dream as big as I  can, so here's mine............................

I can see in my minds I, me and my lovely wife Rebecca, sitting on the porch of her beautiful Tuscan Ranch House in the hills of Bennett Valley. Sipping a fine glass of wine. Watching the sunset over our ranch lake and the symphony of crickets and bullfrogs begin to fill the air. 

I told you my dream was big. And honestly guys, this is a small fraction of my dreams.

Funny, a saying my late mentor Roland Takaoka taught me; If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands. Okay universe it's your turn. Tall order for you destiny, I'm a, in a wheelchair, for now. stroke survivor. But you know, no one ever said that what they teach doesn't apply to a stroke survivor like me. What do you think, can it happen?

Leave me a comment.

Love energy your way,

Aaron Avila


 Stroke TV Media 


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