Podcast Notes For Friday - Stroke Of Genius Podcast Executive Experience Why



It's Aaron Avila, CEO & Founder of Stroke TV Media.

I wanted to do a special Executive Experience solo podcast to go over my podcast why.

I am doing this after a meeting with C-Suite Executive Steven C. Conlin who gave me the excellent advice to better define my why of my podcast.

So in this podcast I want to make clear what you, as my guest, can expect from my Executive Experience Podcast.

As most you may know, my stroke of genius that completely changed the direction of my life was an actual stroke. This life changing event normally devastates most. 

The amazing thing is, in my case, my brain aneurysm and stroke unlocked an incredibly creative brain. 

I believe my stroke was the tool God used to completely change the course of my life. This new creative brain gave me the ability to build a movement called Stroke TV Media. I now help stroke survivors from around the world.

I believe, you as an executive, had your own stroke of genius. 

What do I mean? 

My podcast will find out when you went from thinking (thought) of starting your own company to actually taking actions to make your vision become reality.

To me, that moment from thought to physical business was "your Stroke Of Genius".

  • During my podcast, I want you as my guest to share your experience during that moment of intrapreneurial spark. When your vision became reality.
  • I want to know your company why?
  • What problem(s) does your company solve for people?
Book a private pre podcast meeting here.

I hope to see you on LinkedIn Live tomorrow. (Click here for Stroke Of Genius Podcast details).


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