Ed Mylett Is Endorsed By Stroke TV Media #maxout


I'm Aaron Avila, CEO of Stroke TV Media.

You may be asking me why a twelve year post stroke, half paralyzed, in a wheelchair (for now) stroke survivor endorses someone like Ed Mylett?

Answer is, Ed gives me the courage and confidence I can win against this stroke!

You see, as fast as lightning strikes, stroke stripes a person of their identity and value. After consuming hundreds of hours of Ed's content, I believe if I shift my identity and change my mindset that God still has something great to do with my life that serves others.

Stroke is such dark energy Ed, thank you for helping me.


Aaron Avila 


Stroke TV Media 

Subscribe to Ed's YouTube Channel and it will impact your life like it has mine.

What Content Does Stroke TV Media Offer Stroke Survivors?



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