I Wanted To Be Her Knight In Shining Armor Not Her Anchor (A husband stroke survivor point of view)

 Hi I'm Aaron Avila, CEO and Founder of Stroke TV Media.

Here's my story.

Please, if you are a husband stroke survivor like me and you can relate to what I'm about to write down, drop me a comment on this blog so I know I'm not alone.

All day, I have watched my wife work on the bathroom sink with extreme frustration. Trying absolutely everything to get the sink I shave in almost every day, to start draining again. 

OMFG guys, Rebecca even tried to snake the f'n thing!

B.S. (Before stroke) I'd be a strong husband and take on the black slimy smelly project, after all I am the man. I have value.

Rebecca has done this type of tasks around the house for almost 12 years now!

Why not call a plumber you say. Because her and I have lived on almost negative finances for going on 12 years.

How can I not feel responsible? Do you?

I had the stroke.  I am causing my wife to suffer. All I can do is watch this go down while I sit half paralyzed in my wheelchair. Quietly my whole is breaking. I am crying inside of me. Feeling of no value as a man.

Do you ever feel worthless or that you have no value as a husband and as a man? 

I wanted to be her knight in shining armor, not her anchor.

Please put in comments how you cope with this type of feeling? Am I alone?

I would love to hear from a stroke survivor woman's or wives perspective?    


Aaron Avila 


Stroke TV Media 



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