I Would To Meet God There


It's stroke survivor Aaron Avila. (my story)

As some of you may know, my brain aneurysm and stroke lead me to my real life changer, my near death experience.

My near death experience allowed me to see what is real in this life and it is not what we see with our eyes on earth. 

The truth of life is we are eternal spiritual beings learning to live in a human body. There is a creator of this universe.

In fact, I dream of writing a book about my spiritual journey someday. 

The title of my book will be ...............................................

.My Walk Of Destiny 

The spiritual journey of brain aneurysm and stroke survivor Aaron Avila

Here's a part of my spiritual journey I've never shared until now. I did not share this before in fear you would think I'm crazy. But rest assured, it's as real as I'm typing right now.

When I pray, in my minds eye, I would go to a huge stone castle like structure, located in a mountainous rain forest. I can see fog laying within the valleys of this remote region.

Within a room of this structure there were Tibetan Monks praying and chanting. Their chanting filled the air.

There was a balcony like area with one stone bench in the area. This is where I would meet God. He would hug me and I him. I remember the love energy was so powerful and like non other I've felt on earth. God would comfort me here.


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