In My Near Death Experience. The Dry Lakebed.

I'm Aaron Avila, Founder and CEO of Stroke TV Foundation.

As you read my near death experience you will come to a part me telling you about traveling over a dry lakebed. At the end of the dry lakebed journey was a huge Mardigras style party.

I didn't fully understand the significance  of traveling on the dry lakebed.
But a few days ago God explained it to me.

The dry lakebed was my stroke journey taking me into and preparing me through hard times is the process of God.

I realize now, every human being on earth is in God's process.

This process of God is the reason we as human beings are here on earth.

You see, the truth is, we as human beings have a supreme spiritual destiny for our lives bringing us to the highest expression of ourselves. 
Each of us have been created with a divine purpose on earth. Each of us has a unique individual gift that is designed to leave a powerful positive impact in this world.

This divine process works in us to prepare us through hard times in life, teaching us and preparing us to walk in our true and purposeful divine destiny. 

At the end of this divine process is a total and highest form of experiencing ourselves. God showed me this through my near death experience, that through his divine process and after the process is complete, there will be a celebration at the end.

God showed me this in my near death experience when after traveling through the dry lakebed I went through a vortex and poped out into a huge celebration at the end.

Do not be mistaken, going through the dry lakebed of life will be lined with trials and extremely hard times.
For me, the tool God used was my stroke.
Stroke is the absolute best thing that's ever happened to me.
Why? It put my life in God's process and I've been forgiven and has given a second chance to rebuild my life God's way.

Do you feel you're in God's process? Tell me about it in comments.

If you want to contact me, send me an email at


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