Going on 11 years post stroke now, still in a wheelchair, still talk like Elmer Fud (my joke, I'm okay with it, easy peeps). Pee myself now and then so overall health I say on a scale of 1 to 10, honestly I'm a 5.

The wife, I know, like me, is also at her breaking point. I'm declining! I don't fucking blame her. Don't you judge her!

I have the best life of any stroke survivor I know because of Rebecca.

It feels like the universe brought me here.

Maybe just maybe, it's all by spiritual design. 

I need a swift kick in the ass!

It was for Rebecca, my love, that when God, during my near death experience gave me a choice to live or die and all I could think of is I never want to live without the most incredible person I have ever met in my life, my wife, my everything Rebecca.

So are we here by design? Only time will tell.

I truly believe that our dreams are about to come true!

And by God, Rebecca deserves it.


Aaron Avila

Just a man trying to be better than I was yesterday.

But make no mistake, I will be relentless! 

Dreams do come true. I will build a place called Rebecca Lynn's Ranch and Stables.

Your prayers are appreciated.


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