I Was Called Toxic To Stroke Survivors!

The cornerstone of who I am as a man and stroke survivor today is Roland Takaoka. He believed in me and Stroke TV when no else did!
I was banned from many stroke survivor groups on Facebook. Called toxic to stroke survivors. Someone even started a rumor among all the stroke support groups I was not really a stroke survivor but really a troll!
What's sad everyone believed them! Ripped my heart out!
Ask Randy Terry, John Martinez or Cam Compton Tow they were there back in the early days. Remember my faithful brothers and sister?
But despite all the hardships I stayed true to my vision, my passion and my new found purpose in life.
To help stroke survivors worldwide.

Find your passion within stroke survivor. Everyone has one! Chase it and like me, your amazing destiny will unfold.
Aaron Avila
Stroke TV Foundation


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