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Links about Tomorrows guest Debra Meyerson
Debra Meyerson is a Consulting Professor at Stanford University Graduate School of Education (GSE). She was a founding faculty codirector of PACS from 2007-2010. In September 2010 Debra suffered a severe stroke that forced her to take medical leave. Identity Theft website Stroke Forward website https://identitytheftbook.org/ https://www.strokefwd.org/ Links about Debra's book, Identity Theft Rediscovering Ourselves After Stroke Kirkus Book Review -- Identity Theft https://www.kirkusreviews.com/ …/identity-theft-rediscoveri…/ Stanford Magazine article. https://stanfordmag.org/contents/after-lightning-strikes Blog by Nancy Brown, American Heart Association CEO https://thriveglobal.com/ …/a-stroke-ended-her-tenure-at-st…/ San Jose Mercury News article https://www.mercurynews.com/ …/who-am-i-former-stanford-pro…/ Show details on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/1186298551499361/videos/257560705363122/ # stroketv
Stroke TV Media Adding New Stroke Survivor Services In 2025!
Hi, It's Aaron Avila , CEO/Founder of Stroke TV Media and STROKE: The Journey Within Podcast Host . Please note, my Podcast starts broadcasting in our new timeslot every Friday at 4 PM PST and 7 PM EST January 3rd on Stroke TV Media YouTube Channel. My first Podcast is January 3rd and is going to be on Stroke Survivor Depression and Suicide. View Podcast details here. Below you will find the new websites I'm building to help our stroke survivor community. My goal with these websites 2, 3 and 4 is to make finding rehab equipment and other helpful adaptive equipment easy to find on Amazon using our Stroke TV Media Amazon Affiliate links. I will be adding many more items and products in the weeks and months ahead. I am also looking for stroke survivors willing to give product reviews for our new Stroke Survivor Product Review Company. Doing product reviews, may earn you some much needed money. Read details here. Please subscribe to Stroke Survivor Product Revie...
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