One of my stroke survivor members just wrote this. I thought you might benefit from my reply.

Hi peeps!
It's Stroke TV Founder Aaron Avila

One of my members in my affiliate stroke support group Second Chance Stroke Survivors just commented

"I worry about the inside, I miss me!"

I thought you might benefit from my reply.

"The energy of who you were is still inside you. Your stroke just destroyed the path to her.

Find that thing in your new body that stirs a good feeling of energy inside you. 

The energy you seek is found in your new after stroke purpose. 

My passion, my stroke life purpose is to help stroke survivors like you?
What stirs passion in you?
Don't know? 

Seek passion with all your heart sister". 
You will find your after stroke purpose in your passion.
Love energy your way,
Aaron Avila

P.s. Leave me a blog comment and I'll try to help you.


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