IMPORTANT #StrokeTV NEWS! Let's call it Aaron righting the #StrokeTV ship!

It's your brother Aaron,

After consulting with someone in the industry, I will be focusing most of my energy on learning to live stream on Facebook and learning the talk show host craft.

I saw Facebook's auto notification feature when live streaming on my personal profile bringing me audience members immediately to my shows as a good thing.

What I  didn't realize that this business decision was quietly distracting me from my original vision of developing #StrokeTV by offering stroke survivors worldwide valuable content and support using the #StrokeTV platform.
(Newbie Business mistake)

You see, I lost sight of #StrokeTV wasn't about how many audience members I get by using the auto notification feature of Facebook on my personal timeline, rather #StrokeTV is about creating valuable and helpful content on our #StrokeTV Facebook Page and  YouTube Channel#StrokeTV must create content that compels stroke survivors from around the world to like our #StrokeTV and be willing become a fan of #StrokeTV. 
Make sense? Understand?

Developing a fan base will take time. I saw the immediate response produced by the auto notification feature of Facebook and got twitterpated.

Returning to my vision 

#StrokeTV's relentless number one passion is to bring hope, love energy and encouragement to stroke survivors on a global level.

Under the #StrokeTV banner, our goal is to unite as one, what I  see as a currently fragmented stroke survivor community. 

Uniting and becoming a powerful voice in a forgotten and quite stroke community.

We at #StrokeTV firmly believe uniting this now fragmented community of stroke survivors (over fifty million worldwide) will not only raise stroke awareness like never before, but will give our stroke survivor community a much needed powerful and globally influential voice.

So if you support this #StrokeTV vision, We ask you humbly become our fan and show the world you support the #StrokeTV grassroots movement by using the social power of the internet.

Help our movement by engaging and actively posting about #StrokeTV on the following social media platforms.
Follow #StrokeTV on Twitter
Follow #StrokeTV on Pinterest
Follow #StrokeTV on Google Plus
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

So righting the #StrokeTV ship will include the following imitate changes.
We ask for everyone's help!

Together we can make this world a better place!

We personally need;
  • Stroke survivors 
  • Stroke advocates 
  • Spouses, Family or friends of a stroke survivor
  • All stroke related Medical Professionals
  • Anyone directly or indirectly touched by the cataclysmic hand of stroke. 
If you're reading this Blog and feel a tug on your heart to get involved with our grassroots movement. 
Please send me an email here and let me know.

Together we can and will make the world a better place.

Powerful love energy your way,
Aaron Avila 
#StrokeTV Founder


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