Have you been directly or indirectly touched by stroke? Are you in the stroke medical industry? Are you a stroke advocate who wants to make the world a better place?

Thanks for checking this out!

Show premiering soon!
My name is Aaron Avila 
I'm the Founder of #StrokeTV and will be the host of what I'm hoping will be a valuable resource to the stroke community!

If you have experienced stroke directly or indirectly I want you on my show!

Also looking to book anyone in the stroke medical community.

Together we will help stroke survivors around the world.

If you are willing to be on our new talk show, please fill out this simple form

Rebecca our #StrokeTV General Manager will contact you as soon as possible.
You can email Rebecca any questions you may have by clicking here.

We will be using the Zoom conferencing software to conduct interview's around the globe. Launch Zoom website here. 

Thank you,
Aaron Avila 
#StrokeTV Founder 


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