Founder Aaron Avila's take on Fathers Day

To all my fellow Fathers in the world,

As I wake up this morning this Fathers Day 2017

I am filled with a gratefulness from the core of who I am as a man to be alive on this planet. 

To hear the amazing words from my son Ryan say,
"Happy Fathers Day Dad"

For I most assuredly should not be alive right now.

On September 17th 2010 I suffered a massive brain aneurysm that was for sure supposed to kill me  and two weeks later I suffered a massive stroke (My story).

My family was told by several Doctors that people who suffer this type of massive brain assault do not live to tell about it. 
My family was told I would most likely die.

I learned through a near death experience, if I was going to live or die it would not be up to the skills of a Neurosurgeon. 
No, my life on earth would only be up to God himself.

Guess what!
God through his grace, love and mercy performed a miracle in me and let me live! 
With a pure love for me, God himself gave me a second chance at life on this planet!

 So Fathers Day for me is extremely special.

Not only was the birth of my son Ryan one of the most absolute awesome and defining moments in my life, 
(My wife Rebecca the other).
Ryan's birth would lead my path of life into my deepest divine destiny.

Yes, Fathers Day is a day we say thank you to our dad's for all they've done for us.

But for me, Fathers day is a time I look at my son Ryan and say thank you for being the most amazing son a dad could have on earth. I thank you Ryan!
You Ryan, from the time I cut your umbilical cord, have taught me what true divine love really is.

I cry tears of deep gratefulness for my life as I write this letter!

From a pure heart,
Until we speak again planet earth,

It's my honor to introduce to you,

My family

My amazing wife Rebecca of 26 years

My awesome 24 year old son Ryan 


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