By all stroke survivors sharing Stroke TV's content and socially exploding our Stroke TV movement you can turn the worlds eyes to see us stroke survivors suffering worldwide. You see peeps I believe the world doesn't know we stroke survivors exist and how bad we stroke survivors have it. I firmly believe in fact I know if we band together as an active community socially and bring attention to our people that once the world sees our suffering, the world will help us. So how can you bring stroke survivors help on a worldwide scale? Use all your social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger and many others to promote our Stroke TV movement. Share, Share and share some more please! I believe if you do help will come! Start by all members subscribing to our Stroke TV YouTube Channel. Don't forget to click the Bell shaped icon to receive a notification any time a show goes live or we upload new content. If ALL stroke survivors actively become the social arms and legs...