
Showing posts from November, 2017


Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with  Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our  Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

My brother and sister stroke survivors and stroke advocates.

My brother and sister stroke survivors and stroke advocates. Please take action and help me get our movement noticed. By each of you subscribing to our YouTube Channel (now only 72) it will hopefully attract the attention of key internet companies. This will bring attention to our stroke movement. Not sure how to subscribe to our YouTube Channel? Here's a tutorial Here's the link to our YouTube Channel… Our first goal will be to get our subscriptions to 500! READY? GO!

my stroke story video


100% True!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Using Video Marketing for Business | How to Grow Your Business With Video


Boston Dynamics: The Coming Robot Revolution - Marc Raibert


Aaron's Stroke Chronicles Premiering Soon! (Updated with videos)

Hi peeps! It's stroke survivor and Stroke TV Founder Aaron Avila. I wanted to let you know I'm working on my first official show for our Stroke TV live streaming website called Aaron's Stroke Chronicles. In this grassroots Stroke TV  exclusive, I will chronicle the last seven years of my life's journey. From the knee buckling headaches to my inability to maintain the high level of cognitive ability needed to run my 12 year old company with my wife Rebecca. To the day the Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco turned upside down. To the cataclysmic event of my massive brain aneurysm exploding deep within my brain. To the hospital being so certain I was going to die, they wouldn't work on me for the first twenty four hours.  They felt why waste resources on someone that for sure was going to die. So certain were they I was going to die, they wheeled my half dead body into a room at the hospital so my family could say their last goodbye's. (Me in 20...

I ever mention I was a cityfied Redneck stroke survivor? Rock Racing Moonlight Offroad - Rock Rods Episode 47


Wychmere Harbor Stroketv version


Choose To Thrive Stroke Survivor

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Designing our new store front. You like it?

(Click on banner to launch store)

Another amazing stroke article from Flint Rehab

The Danger of Not Using Your Muscles After Stroke & What to Do About It (Click image to launch article) Stroke TV says thanks for the awesome articles, resources and Stroke Rehab Equipment Flint Rehab!

Don't Miss Saturday Morning Smarties Live!

(Click on banner to launch website) Molly Youngblood Geiger says "Thanks Google" Roland Takaoka "live" every Saturday Morning at 11:00 AM

Repeat after me stroke survivors! Worldwide!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Meditate on your body as the universe and know yourself as consciousness


Peeps remember how I said to help you earlier?

By all stroke survivors sharing Stroke TV's content and socially exploding our Stroke TV movement you can turn the worlds eyes to see us stroke survivors suffering worldwide. You see peeps I believe the world doesn't know we stroke survivors exist and how bad we stroke survivors have it. I firmly believe in fact I know if we band together as an active community socially and bring attention to our people that once the world sees our suffering, the world will help us. So how can you bring stroke survivors help on a worldwide scale? Use all your social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger and many others to promote our Stroke TV movement. Share, Share and share some more please! I believe if you do help will come! Start by all members subscribing to our Stroke TV YouTube Channel. Don't forget to click the Bell shaped icon to receive a notification any time a show goes live or we upload new content. If ALL stroke survivors actively become the social arms and legs...

How To Be Confident On Camera - Camera Confidence: 3 Easy Tips


Happy Thanksgiving from stroke survivor Aaron Avila

Hi peeps! It's stroke survivor Aaron Avila I wanted to wish all my brother and sister stroke survivors worldwide and my none stroke peeps a very special Happy Thanksgiving! May your Thanksgiving be filled with the most powerful force in the universe. Love energy!

You can change the world!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!


Extremely important to our grassroots movement that all stroke survivors like this page! Together we will steer the direction of Stroke TV. You will tell me those shows and topics that will help you thrive!  I built this page so you can actively help me build Stroke TV.  Truly YOU will be making the world a better place!    (Click on profile pic to launch page)

Is There A Real Recipe For Success?


You Are The Universe -- Everything you needed to know! Deepak Chopra, MD,


Nailed it!


Trying to create my own show intro. TAKE 2


UNDERSTANDING When & Why to H.A.L.T. #RockThatDream


UNDERSTANDING When & Why to H.A.L.T. #RockThatDream


A new T-Shirt Design!

(Click on image to launch Store)

Stroke TV D1 | Stroke TV Inspirational T-Shirts


DJI Stories – WRC A Journey


Spiritual Truth

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon! t

Old Man In Nursing Home Reacts To Hearing Music From His Era


Blue Wednesday - Deep In Love (feat Taiyo Ky) Funky Vlog Music No Copyright


Just playing with producing my own show intro! Take 1 of many. Music pr...


Just playing with producing my own show intro! Take 1 of many. Music pr...



F alse  E vidence  A ppearing  R eal (Lisa Nichols)

Your homework assignment is to wake up every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon! t

How To Turn Your Fear Into Fuel | Lisa Nichols


How to Get 100,000 Subscribers on YouTube - Thank You!


Stroke Fact Friday Show 11/17/17


Please like my page!

(Click on image to like page)

#TheStrokeDroneProject More Drone footage of project Founder Tom Iliffe at the office

Click on graphic to like our Facebook Page

Spiritual Inspiration

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

#TheStrokeDroneProject Another day at the office for project Founder Tom Iliffe

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Stroke survivors worldwide. I NEED YOUR HELP!

I need all stroke survivors to like this new page.  You will help me by giving me feedback on show and content ideas. Together we will help stroke survivors around the world! Thank you! Stroke TV Founder  Aaron Avila 

Spiritual Mean by stroke survivor Aaron Avila


Praise him for who he is Not ...

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Meet my friend Roland Takaoka

Founder of The Saturday Morning Marketing Smarties Show Live  (Click on image to view event)

Please share! Rebuilding the Brain after Stroke | Marion Buckwalter


�� How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast in 2018 — 3 YouTube Tips


Signs and Symptoms of depression EVERYONE Should Know - Good health 24h


My favorite rendition! Amazing Grace - Best Version By Far!


Building Your Personal Brand From Scratch | Creator Advocate Workshop


Are you a stroke survivor and want to help make the world a better place?

IT'S SIMPLE! Just like our new grassroots movements new page! (Click on image to launch page)

The New SpotMini


Another awesome Newsletter from Flint Rehab!

Weekly Newsletter Your weekly inspiration to spark recovery “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” ― Norman Vincent Peale Hey there Aaron Avila, We want to talk about something very near and dear to our heart this week: a higher recovery. It always makes us sad when we hear stories that start out, "My doctor said I would never be able to regain hand movement." Or... "My neurologist said that I'll never be able to walk again." Whether you're aware of it or not, limiting beliefs like that influence your behavior and actions. If someone tells you that you can't do something — especially someone with authority like a doctor — then you probably won't even try. But what if it's not true? What if there's actually tons of hope a full recovery, but the missing piece is simply believing that you can get there? You won't know until you try. The first article l...

MY WAR! What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life


MY WAR! What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life


MY WAR! What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life


7 Steps to Stroke Recovery


Checkout this cool effected hand therapy tool I found on our Amazon affiliate page!

Recommended read! Affiliate

Swapping some parts out so to speak!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon! t

Innercise #8 - How To Reduce Your Daily Stress


DJI - WRC - Wales 2017


This is you stroke survivor!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon! (website under construction)

Stroke survivor or STROKE THRIVER?


#StrokeThriver Just received the inspiration!

 Tell me what you think in comments peeps!

Raising stroke awareness in a way the world has never seen before!

Hi peeps! It's Stroke TV Founder Aaron Avila Stroke advocate Tom Illife started a grassroots movement to raise stroke awareness like the world has never seen before!  By Drone Pilots from around the world flying Drones and producing film all to bring attention to stroke. Please like our grassroots movements new Facebook page!  (Click on image to launch Page)

Innercise #7 - Are Your Daily Habits Killing Your Chance For Success


Arkis - Voices (Electronic Music Copyright Free Songs)


How to Write a Mission Statement


To my stroke survivor brother and sisters around the world!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Spiritual Truth - Think About it!

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

What is your purpose? - Nahko and Medicine for the People


Meet the gamechanger!

(click image) Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

You're going to be okay. Deep breath. Life always works out!


Found a cool countdown timer. Feel free to use!


I can break down the seven million + stroke survivor community globally into just three categories!

Morning stroke thrivers! It's Founder Aaron Avila  I have been helping the stroke survivor community for several years now. I have found within the global stroke survivor community there are only three types of stroke survivors. Easier if I create an analogy. There are three people hiking on valley floor.  All three suffer an identical catastrophic stroke.  The first stroke survivor responds to their stroke as a stroke victim.  Always looking back at their life and what they've lost due to stroke.  Living a miserable life stuck in the the thick dark energy fog. Never climbing out of the valley of darkness. The second stroke survivor responds to their stroke as a stroke survivor. This type of stroke survivor climbs out of the dark valley but only climbs half way up the mountain.  This type of stroke survivor chooses to stop half way out of the valley of darkness and hovers there.  Never climbing to the very top of t...

A comment from our 2x stroke thriver sister Victoria Gell in Scotland!

Aaron Proud to work alongside Stroke TV with USA 🇺🇸 making awareness global success .. Pleasure being an inspiration worldwide. Here’s to the future 🙌🏻 🎈 Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

All the way from Scotland 2x Stroke survivor Victoria Gell was live on Stroke TV

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon!

Spiritual truth! Not why me? Rather why?

Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon! Brought to you by our sponsor RolandTakaoka - MINMAX media sponsor of DIYLIVESTRMEAMINGSHOW.COM

Hi beloved stroke thrivers!

It's Founder Aaron Avila. First I think each one of you are amazing! Today say to yourself 50x "I AM A STROKE THRIVER" Remember the sky is not the limit, Your brain is! Want to change your world? Change your mind! Stay awesome! Love energy your way, Aaron Become part of our team Making the world a better place. Engage with Stroke TV  on these social media platforms. Like Stroke TV on Facebook  Follow Stroke TV on Twitter Follow Stroke TV on Pinterest Subscribe to our Stroke TV YouTube Community Launching our Stroke TV  live streaming website soon! Brought to you by our sponsor RolandTakaoka - MINMAX media sponsor of DIYLIVESTRMEAMINGSHOW.COM