We have decided to use the YouTube Platform

Hi awesome peeps!

This is #StrokeTV Founder Aaron Avila,

After some research and #StrokeTV listening to the amazing Owen Video (YouTube expert), We unanimously made the decision to use YouTube as our primary #StrokeTV platform.

Here's the potential game changer! Tom, being a tech genius (Grant Cardone) and is building me an awesome new computer. This new computer will allow us to run the amazing OBS live streaming software.

Once Tom and I learn how to monetize #StrokeTV.
We can pay for an internet bandwidth upgrade that will give us the capability to live stream on YouTube and Facebook simultaneously!

What must you do to get alerted when a #StrokeTV show is live on YouTube? 

You will need to "subscribe" to our #StrokeTV YouTube Channel. (To subscribe now click here).

Tom Iliffe and I have a ton of work to do to produce a quality show for you survivors.
(Avoid looking MEGA CHEESE BALL on air)! lol

Over the next few weeks you will begin to see Tom and I make small quality changes that will add up to making #StrokeTV the quality show you survivors deserve.

But please be patient with Tom and I. We've never ever done this before. But we'll learn.

But the one thing Tom and I promise you survivors is, Tom and I will

 To help stroke survivors worldwide!

#StrokeTV is committed to bringing you the Spark of life to stroke survivors worldwide. 

Stay awesome survivors!

Remember my beloved;

Love energy your way survivor,


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